Stage 1 : Master Colour Program (Jenny)

Our colour technician Jenny recently attended her first session of the Wella Master Colour Programme at Wella’s prestigious academy in Soho, London. Stage one of the MCP focussed on revisiting essential colour information to ensure that all technicians on the program began from a common starting point. This also gave Jenny the opportunity to meet the other colour technicians on the course and discuss with them her more tricky colours that she undertakes at the salon.

Jenny participated in a day of theory workshops which covered all of the latest information on all Wella product ranges and new innovations. There was also a day of practical model sessions focussed on basic colouring with an emphasis on clean, precise application and the importance of a detailed, analytical consultation with clients. This included a thorough analysis of the client’s hair, looking at elements such as texture, history, lifestyle and preference.

Jenny was taught a range of problem solving solutions for colour corrections as well as new tips and tricks which she is already using in the salon.

Guy Christian Salons